
Tokhun NFT Marketplace on Cardano with Latheesan and Valentin | Cardano Live #22

With the explosion of energy efficient low-cost NFTs on the Cardano blockchain, Latheesan and Valentin have identified a need for an NFT marketplace to support all the latest technology being deployed on Cardano. Check out the podcast for more information! Website:

Features & Roadmap

Create a basic market app & scafold out basic ui

Feature 1
Course 1

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Implement social login functionality

There are millions of tutorials online. Tokhun runs on ??? and used this library to implement their OAuth2 flow.

  • Implement social login functionality
  • Automatically issue cardano wallet / payment address for every user who signs up to the market app
  • Setup two way integration to full cardano-node and market app
  • Implement basic fungible token (FT) minting
  • Implement basic non-fungible token (NFT) minting
  • Create & refine an easy to use minting wizard user interface
  • Add metadata on chain, part of the minting process
  • Integrate with IPFS blockchain for asset media storage
  • Implement secure AES-256 encryption/decryption of cardano wallet hotkeys with user defined passphrase
  • Extract metadata out of cardano blockchain and create NFT/FT asset explorer view and show asset media & attributes
  • Setup hosting environment and deploy app to testnet (closed private beta
  • Implement withdraw asset & funds functionality and standardise metadata format (to support serialised batch NFT minting)
  • Launch the market app on testnet & gather feedback (open public beta)
  • Implement draft asset editing & serialised minting functionality.
  • Deploy the market app on mainnet & go live with Mint/Withdraw functionality
  • Early Q2 this year
  • Implement checkout/sale functionality so that assets can be listed by premium artists and sold on our marketplace
  • Etsy-like private collection for users to host their own sales


Buy sell mint nfts on cardano.

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