1k 12 54 42ARTZ is a fictional stake pool operated by John Doe.

1k 12 54 42SMARTZ is a fictional stake pool operated by your favorite elementary school teacher.

1k 12 54 42QWERTZ is a fictional stake pool operated by the DIN 2137 standard.

1k 12 54 42Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sit veroeros sed amet blandit consequat veroeros lorem blandit adipiscing et feugiat phasellus tempus dolore ipsum lorem dolore.

Tweak Switzerland
Joined March 24 2021
12k 12 54 42kTweak SPC is a community driven campaign in the Cardano ecosystem. Our goal is to capture real business value on the Cardano blockchain by decreasing the barriers to entry for new and interested participants and to incentivze the formation of teal organizations around Stake Pools to produce self-actualizing actors within the ecosystem.

Catalyst Swarm
Joined 45 minutes ago
34k 7k 540 4kThe Swarm is a Collaborative, relation based Network in Project Catalyst. The main goal is to propose a dynamic and adaptable mutli-stream structure to the Catalyst Communty, where Individuals, Groups and Projects can use their maximum amount of Potential to create common value and connections.

Building a universe is easy...
...the hard part is holding it together.
Our Universe is the perfect decentralized ecosystem. It managed to grow for over 14 billion years at an accelerating rate without exploding or collapsing. It was able to turn a hot soup of plasma into clusters of galaxies, stars and plantes with life on them.
What we believe in
We believe in the scientific method and do value rigor when it comes to building the foundations of our future. Cardano's vision can catalyze human connections and is the next logical step in our technological and counscious evolution.
Scaling a vision is hard. Not just for Cardano but for every technology and market. There is a lot to say about why this is true and we lay it all out in our whitepaper. If you want to scale a system, you need to design it JUST right. And once you start scaling it is extremely hard to change the parameters without messing it all up.
Looking for answers
How should we design a decentralized system that can evolve? How did our universe form and evolve?
Our inquiry into the processes that let our universe evolve into the one we see today led us to hypothesise - and then discover - dark matter. It allowed for baryonic matter to form structures in the early universe that grew and evolved into filaments and eventually led to the formation of galaxies and planets. All while space is expanding and accelerating and everything drifts away from each other.
So in conclusion ...
Complete decentralization is a state you don't get for free. We need to work very hard to maintain a decentralized system. Participants in an ecosystem move freely. Good people will migrate towards the center of the ecosystem because they will create clusters around them. Others might bump into each other, loosing their momentum.
Stake Pool Channels aim to become the Dark Matter of the Cardano ecosystem. We try to be the attracting force between participants. Enabling people to connect, educate, build and promote, even if they are caught up at the outskirts and lost all their momentum.
Stake Pool Channels allow the ecosystem to form filaments, clusters and galaxies with stars and eventually find a planet orbiting one of those stars - and discover us.